Thursday, 27 October 2011


This post is when I look at different tutorials over the term.

Techniques and methods which I haven't seen before.

Fantasy landscape created in photoshop.

The most interesting technique I took away from this was the way he used pre-exsisting images to base his work on.

He used real images to make up the background and details.
I was surprised by this and never realised I could base my own work on standard photos.

I've been working under the impression that the images had to be done from scratch.

Compostion / Depth of Field

This post will show how the eye works looking at an image.

Same subject in the shot but viewed from different angles.

wikipedia:'composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art .'

It makes your eyes follow

This is very much like reading panels in comic books

The image is gold+dredge+3. I was given this image as well as many others by Dan.

I have high lighted where the eye follows the light around the image, starting from the lightest part around to the darker edges.

Depth of field

wikipedia: in optics, particularly as it relates to film and photography, depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

The best way I can describe this is the way your eye focuses on certain objects in contrast to the background which can be out of focus to the viewer.

Image form the wikipedia page

The butterfly in the centre is within the camera's depth.


This post will be much more technical then the others, i have done perspective before and diving into it again should be interesting

What is it

I used The Fundamentals Of Drawing as reference.

In the book it uses an example of ......

Image from wikipedia.
How it is used?
The use of perspective is more commonly used to draw with accuracy.

What use does it have?
Tt is used more by designers then artists.

different kinds of perspective.
the vanishing point is very important.

vanishing point example

1 point

2 point buildings heading out

image from the web

image from web
this post will be much more technical then the others

3 point

image taken from the Internet.
this is a good example of an over head view of the cube using three point perspective.
my own tests

Backgrounds and Terrains

the backgrougs in consep

Images taken from 'Art of Pixar.'

These images stood out from the rest in my mind. Although the have little relation to my own work, they do say a lot about the amount of thought and pre-production that goes into making a pixar film.
The first image on the top left doesn't even go up to the borders, but has such detail and form that your eye is still carried around the image.

chartor deveopment

chartor deveopment
desining the chartor

side and front veiw

colouring the chartor


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Backgrounds And Use Of Colour

This post is a bit late but I'm glad that it's done
After talking to Dan and going over the work I've done so far he has suggested that I look more at the use of colour for storyboards.
Images from Disney's art of Pixar.

Use of colour to show mood and action scenes.

A close up of the first page shows how the storyboards artists showed scenes of their movie with relevant colour giving an appropriate tone to the clip

Just as a last word before I give it a try for myself. The Incredibles used a style very similar to they storyboards in they credits

Testing colour and use of moods

A quick test to show mood with Yahtzee